With shorter days, cooling fall weather, winter imminent and food sources dwindling, honey bee colonies are being harassed by even more pests. Yellow Jackets, Continue reading
Author Archives: Beekeeper
2018 training yard plans
The four Clermont hives were checked yesterday and found to be in good condition. All have plentiful stores, solid bee cover, and some brood. There is no evidence Continue reading
Mentoring with training yards
I have been using any extra beekeeping time to help other beekeepers improve their experience through a few yard visits but mostly continuing the train yard process. Continue reading
Training hives
August 12th weather turned out to be perfect for training hive checks and mite-level counts. We were pleased to find low mite levels, solid brood patterns Continue reading
Hands in a hive training yards
I’ve been a bit of a slacker in keeping up with my ramblings. Not that summer beekeeping isn’t filled with lots to do. It is, as you know.
I’ve been balancing my hive work load with a training yard set up Continue reading
Bees or words?
Time spent beekeeping is much more rewarding than time spent writing about beekeeping.
My beeyards, have held most of my attention (as it should) for May and June. Larva Continue reading