The honey flow is now well underway. Pollen, the building block of healthy larva, is abundant and pouring into the hives. Nectar stores are increasing with frames of both capped honey and nectar. The building of swarm cell cups Continue reading
Author Archives: Beekeeper
Queens in the Hood
Yesterday was one of those look deeply into the hives kind of days. No rain or wind and only a few clouds to block full sun. First good day for weeks as cooler than normal weather and lots of rain has been the norm. My hives are about two weeks behind Continue reading
Feed them and they will thrive!
Many thanks to Alan Harman, Kim Flottum, and the Bee Culture staff for pointing me to the interesting and timely research paper Continue reading
Dead bees and packages
Several beekeepers have contacted me asking if I knew where they could buy packages as they have lost most, if not all, of their hives. I feel badly for them but it started me thinking Continue reading
Protein feeders
Looking to consistently improve how I keep bees is one of my long range goals. I find the quandary of small hive beetle control and the need to feed pollen substitute are at odds with each other. To get young bees earlier, Continue reading
Beekeeping in the snow
Two days of mid 50s temperature and sunshine was the perfect antidote for my spring fever. The bees were busy making their first flights in weeks. Continue reading