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Warm welcome to 2019

Bees flying in December is the tonic for my winter worrying.
You know you are a demented beekeeper if……
fondant is fed for practice. Continue reading
What is winter?
There is no calendar, nor astronomical or holiday event to make today my first day of winter. Today is simply the first fall day when my hives are covered Continue reading
It happens every year about this time
I get email from beekeepers this time of year mostly asking what to do with weak hives. For example: I know it’s been a long time since Continue reading
Ending 2018 with a plan
As the 2018 beekeeping season begins to transition into planning for 2019, I’m excited to be a small part of the successful 2nd year training yard project. Hive count this past spring was at four, two strong, one reasonable and one weak. Not bad considering this was the first overwinter event. Continue reading