And so it is suddenly August in the beeyard! Now what? My latest adventure involved two queens and as it turned out, making two nucs. I have found flexibility to be one of the better tools Continue reading
Last 2014 Nucs
So many beekeeping issues need to be identified and acted upon.
I started a nuc back in the Spring that did very well. So well that I was able to pull several frames of brood Continue reading
How much honey per hive?
One of the many questions I get asked is “how much honey will I get from my hive?” It is a good question with the standard “it depends” beekeeper’s answer. I confess Continue reading
Queen stories don’t change
I was sent this clipping today from a newspaper dated around 1870. Over the years, I’ve heard lots of great tales on how to capture swarms. Things like banging pans, putting out water, bait boxes, and shooting the limb out of a tree are some of my current favorites. Finding the queen in a wheat field and having bees fly in is a great addition to swarm stories.
Mid Summer and the bees
July beekeeping is going well. Most hives are productive, have good brood, lots of bee covered frames and the musical hum of productive hives. As is usually the case, Continue reading
Honey market is strong
I bottled both liquid and chunk comb honey over the last week and have found that there is strong demand for local honey again this year. Continue reading