Summer is winding down. My options for what I can do for my hives are quickly becoming limited. Here in the mid Atlantic region Continue reading
Swarm time
I have come to the conclusion that sick bees die and healthy bees swarm. I’ve tried almost all the “don’t let them swarm” suggestions over the years and when my bees are healthy they swarm.
This spring has been an exceptionally robust swarm season. Most of my hives were overwintered in 5 frame nuc boxes three or four supers tall. They were moved into eight and ten frame equipment after making splits and back filling with foundation. By the book swarm control! I have retrieved six swarms in the last two weeks, so much for that technique. All have been large and apparently healthy. Now all I can hope for is quality replacement queens. They are on their own there or will get combined as needed to keep the hives going. We shall see…….
Big, fat and captured! Flowing stream of bees
Early Spring
For years I have gauged spring’s arrival on when my apricot tree blooms. This year it bloomed Continue reading
First 2019 yard visit
We had an amazing turn out for the first 2019 training yard inspection. Thanks to all who took the time to participate. I hope your hives are doing well. Continue reading
Almost ready
I’m not sure if the bees or the beekeeper will be most thankful when calendar spring and the warm days arrive. Keep on reading!
Honey from dead hives
Around this time of the season I start getting questions about dead hives.
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