Moving into Fall

The honey is off and processed, it was a good crop and I left plenty for the bees. Some hives still have 4 medium supers which will get moved around to hives that need a bit of extra stores.

This summer has been exceptional for both rain and moderate temperatures. Mite treatment is stared so that the bees are healthy going into Fall. I use a thyme oil based product for the summer treatment because it has a higher temperature usage range. It has worked well for several years.

I captured a swarm from a person’s front lawn several days ago. It was a small one and I have not looked into it to see if there is a queen. I’ll probably combine it into a hive that need a boost as there is not enough time to get it winter ready.


What am I doing with my bees in June and July

My beekeeping goal is to have healthy hives that overwinter and are productive the following spring. A honey crop and/or NUC production is more likely from strong, disease free, over wintered hives. What I am doing with my bees in June and July depends on which hive I’m working with. Broadly speaking, I have 5 and 10 frame hives containing strong and weak colonies.

1st  hive type – 10 frame equipment  with 5 – 7 supers now loaded with bees and honey

  • Main management is to check for any issues that will prevent a honey crop
    • Done laying queen
    • Small hive beetle
    • Lack of space
    • Building mite population
    • Maintain good ventilation by tilting top cover and sliding a super forward to allow for upper entrance and additional air flow. Entrance is completely open
  • Because these hives are scheduled to be used for maximum honey production there are limited possibilities for intervention
    • Could re-queen if needed
    • Could add small hive beetle trap if needed
    • Could add foundation, drawn comb or extract to give more space if needed but honey flow is tapering off by mid June and capping is not complete

2nd hive type – 10 frame weaker hives that swarmed, had earlier queen failure or other issues and will not produce a honey crop

  • Main management goal is to build up the hive and prevent issues with mites, small hive beetle, wax moth, robbing, lack of brood production, low amount of fall honey storage.
    • Intervention possibilities
      • Re-queen to boost brood production if queen is not productive using swarm cell, purchased queen or combine a spring nuc with good queen into the hive
      • Add frame or two of capped brood from strong hive if queen is good
      • Add frame or two of pollen and honey if queen is good and eggs are visible
      • Treat for mites if needed from mite count board or drone cell testing
      • Reduce supers to maintain good bee cover on remaining frames
      • Reduce entrance opening

3rd hive type – 5 frame NUC hives – currently all are 2 supers

  • Strong 5 frame NUC hives
    • Watch to be sure queens are productive and brood pattern is solid
    • Be ready to add the third super for over wintering as a 3 super NUC
    • Treat for mites, trap small hive beetle if needed
    • Watch for pollen and honey stores
    • Control entrance opening based on congestion
  • Weak 5 frame NUC hives
    • Add a frame of brood if there are enough bees available to cover the frame
    • Check and treat for mites if mite population is high. Use mite count board or check drone brood for mites
    • Reduce entrance to very small opening
    • Feed 1 to 1 sugar syrup
    • Feed  pollen patty in very small amounts if the bees will take it
    • Plan to combine with other NUC if too weak to overwinter

General plans for remaining weeks of June and July

  • Check extraction equipment, honey buckets, labeling and bottling supplies
  • Extract and bottle 2013 honey crop
  • Check for mite treatment supplies and plan July treatment schedule based on mite count board results and drone brood testing
  • Continue to monitor honey supers for progress with capping of honey
  • Keep hives well ventilated
  • Determine how many frames will be needed for overwinter 5 frame NUCs to be in 3 super configurations. These frames will be from various sources including frames from honey supers that were not properly capped and therefore not good for extraction.
  • Check feeders to be ready for August through October syrup feeding – fat, young, mite free bees overwinter better
  • Check protein supplement to be ready for protein feeding
  • Check Honey-B-health supply. I use it in all syrup
  • Keep close check of what is blooming as the nectar flow is tapering off by month end.

Points to consider

  • Days will start getting shorter in the next few weeks and the bees sense this
  • Nectar and pollen flow will mostly stop in July until late August depending on rain fall
  • Mite control in July is very effective and helps hive build healthy bees for over wintering
  • Strong three super fall hives over winter better. 45 – 50 pounds of honey is not too much
  • The beekeeper can only control mites and other pest, amount of honey left on hive, quality of queen, ventilation, keep the  hives located in full sun year around and a few other items.

Mite testing and treatment is an ongoing process.

  • 24 hour mite drop test using board under screen bottom board. Less than 5 or so mites in 24 hours would be acceptable, 10 or more would indicate increasing mite problem and trigger treatment if honey supers are not present.
  • Drone brood test by opening 10 or so capped drone brood cells and looking for mites. They are easy to see on the brood. If I see 1 or 2 mites in 10 cells I would plan to treat.


Hive Ventilation

Yesterday the bee yard was a good bit warmer than any previous day this spring. Several hives had bees bearded on the outside and bees fanning the entrance. Been a little slow in opening up extra ventilation for the larger hives but now have the top covers up a bit more and will slide a super forward on the  strongest to give a second opening for both bees and air flow.

There appears to be a reasonable honey crop with several full supers starting to be capped. The locus and wild cherry trees have faded now. Tulip poplar is just starting to open. Lots of clover and other pasture plants are flowering everywhere. There was not a late frost which was a big help.




Midweek, I decided to buy queens for two of my hives that have gone queen-less  Two weeks with no eggs or larva was my inspiration. I had added a frame with eggs and a queen cup or two into one of them when I first discovered the issue but lost my nerve  when that didn’t appear to be working. The other hive caught me off guard so I had not added any eggs or queen cells to it. As can be the case, this week’s queen shipment was  delayed so I was not able to bail my hives out with expensive purchased queens.

Today I looked into the one hive that had received queen cups and found that I had been too impatient in that now there is eggs and hopefully things are coming back into balance. The other hive is completely without evidence of a queen so I opened a strong hive, pulled a frame and there were four ripe queen cells. A quick frame swap and we shall see. The lesson I lean once again is not to underestimate the ability of the bees to resolve their problems. All it takes is a little faith on my part and a frame from a sister hive.

Now I can worry about the strong hive that had queen cells. Time for a split!



Spring Splits

Queen cells are abundant in two or three hives. These hives also have very good bee cover so splits were made last week. Swarms may also happen but at least there will be some hives created from the queen cells. The two hive used to make splits have lower amounts of brood now and no eggs were seen – could the queen have been moved into a split? Ripe queen cells are available so the set back should be short lived and cooler weather has somewhat delayed the nectar flow. Maybe I’ll get a break and produce honey from them.

All hives from last year are now 4 – 6 medium supers. The bees have drawn out comb on the frames of foundation that were added about two weeks ago. Two hives got a super of foundation each yesterday because frames were filling up with brood, pollen and honey. Time to setup more frames and supers.

The bee yard is busy!