February’s club meeting was both interesting and informative. The speaker, a certified master beekeeper, talked about many things. As always, I learned new techniques and got excellent beekeeping tips Continue reading
Author Archives: Beekeeper
February hive check
Daytime highs for today and tomorrow are forecast to be 50 – 55° F. I’ve been looking for an opportunity to take a quick peek into the hives and also felt that I should add candy/protein boards. Continue reading
Cold! Cold! Cold!
A lively discussion on beekeeping in cold weather at the January club meeting got me thinking more about keeping bees alive for spring than what to do in January. I confess, Continue reading
Day length and bees
The first 7 days of winter have been mild. Yesterday was 57⁰ F with bees flying so a quick hive inspection was possible. I checked for stores in the top box and noted both the cluster size and location. Continue reading
Shortest day
Making candy boards for all hives is my current Winter project. I checked all the hives a few days ago and found that a few were lighter than I’d like considering Continue reading
So now what?
I wandered aimlessly around the bee yard on a sunny but cold late November day with no way to see into the hives or change anything. I can look up through the screen bottom board Continue reading