I have been asked by a number of people when I will have honey available this season. Normally I extract in late July Continue reading
Swarm call
I got the beekeeper’s dream swarm call; the swarm was reported to be on a gate low to the ground and only 1/2 mile away. Throw the equipment box and suit into the back of the car Continue reading
Spring is on a roll
Our weather has improved from the cold and wet early Spring of March and April but nights are still cool. Several beekeeper friends are reporting that brood has been slow to ramp up. So far, not much evidence of swarming Continue reading
Nectar flow starting
It seems like only a few weeks ago I was awaiting the outcome of Winter. Would I have bees? Would they be healthy? How many hives would succumb to what many have described as a brutal Winter? It is Spring and time for new beekeeping worry! Continue reading
Time for some extra room
Yesterday was a beautiful April day. Bright sun, no wind, bees flying, time available – off to the hives with a load of empty comb filled supers. It had been almost two weeks Continue reading
Making Nucs
The best of days – a beekeeping friend came over and we made nucs from my hives. I had purchase 6 queens for this process. My normal method for overnight nucs Continue reading