Last weekend I moved two hives to a new bee yard located on the edge of an alfalfa field. These two hives are from overwintered nucs. The new location has a fenced off stream, lots of uncultivated areas for flowering plants, Continue reading
First hive inspection of 2014
Finally! Weather and other activities had kept me from doing an extensive hive inspection before now. Continue reading
Meeting new Beekeepers
Rain and 40° F today with no signs of clearing. The Maples are blooming. I think that every living thing is waiting for warm and sunny weather.
I’m mentoring some new beekeepers this morning Continue reading
Where are the dandelions when you need them?
At almost 70° F yesterday, my bees and I were both happily buzzing around the hives. The bees knew what they needed to do and were doing it well. Continue reading
Good day for bees
Today was a great March combination of 60° with no wind on a Saturday. Doesn’t get any better for the hobby beekeeper! Off to the bee yard with candy, protein paddies, Continue reading
Can’t be too much longer
I admit it, my Spring Fever is now about the worst I have ever had.
There was a 60° day a week or so ago and a “warm enough to fly” day last weekend Continue reading